International Relations Scholarship Beyond the Transatlantic Core: Citation Patterns in East Asian, Latin American and South African IR Journals
TB(A+C) = 46 = 3(5/(7+8+9)(1+2))
So the goal is B; which will in the end make up (large parts of) T(Thesis). B is thereby based on A and C. Both A and C derive from Σ(folder1,…,folder9) with the basic idea of using 1 and 2 (methods) as well as 7, 8 and 9 (theory) to make sense of 5 within the bigger context of 3. The outcome will be a smaller and localized (6) version of 4.
A: Research design
B: Publications
C: Raw data and data collection
1: Bibliometrics (the quantitative study of science, especially by means of citation analysis; folder includes contributions on citation theory and network analysis)
2: other methods
3: IR as a discipline (articles dealing with the history and sociology of the discipline; special emphasis on analyses highlighting the Westerncentric character of our discipline)
4: TRIP (Teaching, Research, and International Policy; they conduct a very large and unique survey on the state of the discipline in by now 20 countries around the world, and code journal articles for their content and citation patterns)
5: IR around the world (articles and reports on the question “how is IR done in different parts of the world”, including publishing patterns, teaching conditions, etc.)
6: NWIRT (Non-Western IR theory; theoretical contributions based on the philosophy, culture and history of countries/regions beyond Western Europe and North-America)
7: Sociology of Science
8: Diffusion etc. (etc. stands for the literature on (norm) translation, transfer, localization and related concepts)
9: POST- colonialism, -structuralism, -… (you know, all the post stuff)
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